As a pranic healer, I work in the realm of prana, a subtle field of energy and light that pervades our bodies and the cosmos. It contains imprints of our past as well as the seeds of our future, and through it we can engage with the Divine.
I help my clients recover health and vitality for themselves, their children, and their lineages through frameworks of consciousness based in Yoga, Tantra, and Ayurveda, and a deep understanding of trauma, epigenetics, and vibrational medicine.
Please reach out if you are interested in self-discovery, inner transformation, and healing your health or relationships. See below for classes I have taught or will be teaching.

A 10-week course for mothers to learn how to recover their own health and vitality, and that of their children and lineages through a concise framework of consciousness based in ancient yogic teachings of India.
This class is a transformational journey of self-healing and healing others, and will guide students to become capable of releasing ancestral, psychological, and emotional blockages to cultivate wellbeing and harmony in their lives
An 8-week intensive course for those on the healing path to come together and accelerate the manifestation of their intentions, dreams, and goals.
Students will enter into a sacred container where they are both healer and the focus of healing. They will be guided into becoming vessels of receiving Divine Grace as we step into the wisdom of the Divine Feminine within India's powerful Goddess tradition.

A 10-week course for women to empower and heal themselves through engaging with the Divine Feminine force existent in their bodies and womb.
Grounded in the work of Hindu yogis, the teachings of the Tantric Sri Vidya tradition, and the sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga, we connect with the innate intelligence of our wombs to begin to heal from menstrual symptoms, infertility, uterine disorders, and the painful repercussions of miscarriage and loss.
We engage with practices to transform our wombs into sacred containers for our unborn children and all of our creative dreams.
A ten-week course for those wishing to engage in building conscious relationship with a primary partner, whether currently in a relationship or not.
Through grounding in a Hindu textual tradition and cosmology, including concepts of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine from the Mahābhārata and Tantra, the Navarasas from Nāṭyaśāstra, and aspects of the mind from the Yoga Sūtras, we begin to heal ourselves and our relationships.
As we begin to see our relationships as mirrors of our own internal landscapes, we will open possibilities for our highest qualities of love, generosity, resilience, and compassion to emerge.